Thursday, April 28, 2011

ADHD Vitamins & Supplement with most Promise: Omega-3

Omega-3 ADHD Vitamins & Supplement

ADHD Vitamins & Supplement with most Promise: Omega-3

Of the wide variety ADHD vitamins and supplements tried to treat the behavioral issues seen in ADHD perhaps the only ADHD Vitamin supplement that has been almost always found to resolve the symptoms and problems that are seen in adults and children with ADHD are the essential fatty acids that are also called 'Omega-3s'.

The story of how it occurred to scientist that fatty acids might help ADHD is an interesting one.  Scientist looking at animals discovered that animals with fatty acid deficiencies often  behave like kids with Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD.  Other researchers  determined that if you removed all fatty acids from a non-ADHD child’s diet, they would begin to act like a child with ADHD..

Researchers  that look at ADHD decided to test kids with ADHD to find out if their blood levels of essential fatty acids were deficient.  What they discovered  was that the ADHD children  with the lowest levels  of essential fatty acids  had significantly more behavioral problems, ADHD temper tantrums, and learning, health, and sleep disturbances than did those with normal levels of  essential fatty acids.

One group of  researchers  set out to try to determine why the fatty acids  levels of these ADHD  children  were abnormal and another group set out to give essential fatty acids as an ADHD vitamin supplement to see if the behavioral problems of ADHD could be improved with supplemental essential fatty acids.

The group of  researchers looking into the question of why these kids had low levels determined that genetics or other metabolism of fatty acid break down issues cause some people with ADHD to metabolize the  essential fatty acids in a manner that results in lower Omega-3 fatty acid blood levels.  They also found that this metabolism problem occurred even when the kids were supplemented with fatty acids.
ADHD Vitamins

For the kids with abnormal fatty acid metabolism, supplementing with higher levels of  fatty acids and correcting for the amount of different types of fatty acids, what nutritionist call the ‘good’ versus the ‘bad’ fatty acids, can oft times, the scientist discovered, repair these abnormally low levels.

The researchers  studying the question of  whether Omega-3 fatty acid supplements could improve ADHD symptoms reported that supplementation with essential fatty acids  in many instances does improve the behavioral symptoms of ADHD and that the inattentive symptoms of ADHD may be improved more than other ADHD behaviors.

The Omega-3 fatty acids when taken as supplements hold great promise for improving the behavioral problems of ADHD.  Eating a diet rich in the Omega-3 fatty acids is undoubtedly the best solution but most people do not eat enough fish, seeds and nuts to get all the Omega-3s that their bodies demand.  Taking supplemental Omega-3 may be the answer as this ADHD vitamin supplement has been shown to dramatically improve the behavioral issues, inattentive ADHD behavior and other symptoms of ADHD.

In the next post I will write about the best dosing of the Omega-3s as an ADHD Vitamin supplement to treat the symptoms of ADHD.

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